Weekly Message - October 11, 2020
Hello MAST Families,
Wednesday! – Wednesday!! – Wednesday!!!
Let’s Race! On Wednesday, October 14 we will hold our first Intra-squad Race Series. For the first Race Series all races will be watch timed (no timing system, yet) and the meet will not be sanctioned therefore times will only be for learning and experience, but will not count as qualifying times to other higher level meets.
The first Intra-squad Race Series will be held during regular MAST practice time.
All groups except for Red 1 will be expected to race in this first event. The second time we race, Red 1 group swimmers will also be expected to participate. For the first series, Red 1 swimmers are invited to come watch so they know what to expect when they do their first race series.
Parents are also invited to watch but we are limited to a maximum of 45 spectators in the large bleacher seating area that is along the pool side. The bleachers at the end of the pool will be reserved for swimmers only.
Anyone who attends must wear a mask and wash your hands, or use the hand sanitizer that is available near the entrance, before entering the natatorium. Also be sure to maintain proper physical distancing. Families can, of course, sit together but all others should space a minimum of six feet apart. Please do not bring any food or drink, other than water in a personal non-glass container, into the natatorium. Finally, you may enter the pool at the shallow end doors that are inside the school lobby, but we ask that you exit through the door at the diving board end of the pool.
We are going to begin with what we anticipate to be a three week series of intra-squad meets. Each week will feature a series of different events, but there will also be some events that we do more than once.
To add a little excitement to the series we will divide the team into three squads after the first race day. Points will be awarded for these intra-squad races and possibly for other events and activities as the season unfolds.
If all goes well with this concept (it is a work in progress) we may carry it on throughout the year. If we develop this concept further we may also add point scoring opportunities for meet improvement, fund-raising, attendance and so on.
The goal of this initial race series is to prepare MAST swimmers for their first official meet and to generate a positive competitive environment. Eventually we will want all MAST Swimmers to be familiar with, and participating in, the USASwimming IMR and IMX program*. But for now we are going to do the first intra-squad meet and see what we can learn from it.
While consistent, purposeful training is the foundation of developing great swimmers, we will use intra-squad meets and time trials to prepare for competition. The Race Series events are a crucial componant for developing good racing skills and confident competitors. Sometimes swimmers can get anxious about racing so it is hoped that the intrasquad series will help them gain confidence.
As Andrew Carnagie said: "Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it - that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear."
*For information on IMR/IMX go to the USAS webpage https://www.usaswimming.org/Times/IMX-IMR
Black 2 & 3 Groups – Those doing weights with high school do not need to come to dryland on your weight days. All others should come to dryland, as usual, but you will need your resistance bands.
Parents watching practice - All of our practices are open to parents. If you wish to watch practice please sit in the large bleacher section. Be aware that the swimmers put their swimming gear in those same bleachers so you may have to move around a little from time to time. If you choose to watch practice the only thing we ask is that you not engage with your swimmer during their practice time. Keeping young swimmers focussed on practice is very challenging but if swimmers look to parents in the stands (for encouragement or even coaching) it makes for an unproductive practice. If you have questions for your childs coach please make arrangements to speak after, not during, practice. And, of course, please follow all CV-19 protocols (described above). We are glad you are a part of the team and hope that your child learns a lot, has fun and enjoys swimming fast.
Have a safe evening. Thanks for being members of the team, see you at the pool!